“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Syria photos

Okay, since I've got some photos ready, here are some pics from my last trip, when I was in Syria, Jordan and Israel with my family this past April.
Here's me with my mum on the Jordan-Syria border (that's why the background is so boring). This is one of the only photos where I'm not wearing an enormous camera around my neck.

Here's mum and I in the Damascus market. These are my dad's pics, which are pretty much the only ones I have where I'm in them (otherwise I just take em). That's a stupid travel phenomenon, but it always happens. Anyway, we're standing at the formerly Roman gates and behind my dad is the famous mosque.
Here we are in Palmyra. It really is as hot as it looks. That Muslim castle behind is also as fabulous, mystical and inspiring as it looks.
Here's me in the middle of the Damascus souq, with the guy on the camel, the other tourists, and my grandma handbag. Don't ask me why, but this picture amuses me.

I'll add some more here later when I've got around to resizing them.


Rama said...

weren't some of the castles in this region built by the Crusaders?

Natalya Marquand said...

yeah, there were heaps, and one of the best ones is here.